“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” ~Will Shakespeare
I Call Myself Isabel, a play by our artistic director, Isabel Cisterna, written and directed by Isabel. Performed by Helen Basson

Helen Basson is delighted to be collaborating on this project. Helen recently appeared in Asphalt Jungle Shorts and will be reading in the upcoming production of She Speaks, a celebration of women playwrights. For over 40 years Helen worked at the Stratford Festival Theatre in various capacities including being the Wardrobe Mistress of the Tom Patterson Theatre. For 19 years in the off season, she designed and created the costumes for the Opera productions at Wilfrid Laurier University. For many years Helen wrote and performed with Stratford’s alternate theatre scene. Helen now lives in Waterloo, sings with the Grand Philharmonic Choir and actively supports the arts in this region. Thanks to my family and a special thank you to Neruda Arts.
Cueca – Memory and Hope. Performed By Colectivo Las Violetas

La Cueca has gone beyond its rendition of being Chile’s so-called “national dance.” Developed alongside Chile’s historical and social changes, La Cueca can represent the darkest and the most enlightening moments of the country’s history, while vindicating the role of women in Chilean popular culture. Colectivo La Chilena will highlight La Cueca Sola and La Cueca Brava both variations of the dance symbolizing social oppression, pain, and most importantly - Hope.
TICKET: $20 - Reserve your seat on Eventbrite:
She Emotes Tickets, Sat, 16 Mar 2024 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite